- Bees - Not the kind of sting I'm looking for. How about you?
- Ants - Just like Aunts, they are rarely (if ever) welcome to visit.
- Flies - And that's got nothing to do with the swatters!
- Barbecues - Because cues are like clues. They're often missed until something other than the food is being cooked.
- Boredom - That's not a dominant pig, but rather the lack of interesting things to do.
- Time - Cause too much of anything always ends badly.
- Tourists - Cause the last thing a girl needs is an audience with cameras.
- Humidity - No, that's not humility, it's humidity. Very different things but equally uncomfortable.
- Heat - No, I'm not talking about my backside, but good guess.
- Sweat - It's not a sweet swat no matter how you say it.
Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for March 2
*What is your favourite fantasy?*
Dan: I tend to have a lot of fantasies about being taken to a literal
woodshed or barn and given a very hard punishment...
3 days ago
ReplyDeleteoh lord...
Has your aunt shown you that she doesnt welcome you staying with her?
ReplyDeleteVery creative. I am a fan of lists for some reason.
ReplyDeleteAre the ants fire ants? (we have a lot on our property)
ReplyDeleteHello, i have a spanking blog to. I wonder if you like exchange links betwn our blogs. Let me know what you thiunk.
Cute list - but I feel like there are stories you could tell to go along with "barbecues" and "tourists." And just what kind of sting ARE you looking for, little girl?